Friday, August 5, 2011

Catching Up

I've been away for so many days...well, not really away, but away from all you beautiful people. I've tried to comment on all of your blogs but my Google reader is OUT. OF. CONTROL. and it's a little hard to catch up--and very intimidating, I may add. Hopefully this weekend will be filled with catching up on blogs, laying by my pool and going to COSTCO...because really, who doesn't love buying bulk-items? Let me rephrase: I'm a weirdo that loves going to COSTO and buying everything in bulk. Diet Snapple, Dr. Praeger's veggie burgers, Organic salsa, industrial size bag of carrots...the works :) I also have a recipe or two that I have been dying to try out so I WILL be blogging this weekend.

Fyi: I'm blowing up the Twitter world--follow me, let's be friends :)


  1. You aren't alone in your Costco love. I mean really who doesn't love going to Costco? It probably is weird that I love it so much but I just do! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. AHH I'm envious of your Costco love, the closest one to me is like 45 minutes away, so I'm not a member. That place is so amazing! :D
    Hope you have an awesome weekend girl, looking forward to the recipes!

  3. Nope, definitely no weirdo-ness involved in Costco love. That place is my fave :D Almond butter, agave nectar, 10 pounds of oats (yup, I bought it. For just me.), and just...bulk-y goodness! Those veg burgers are on my list for the next visit :)

  4. And how can one resist the free samples at can basically get lunch there for free just walking around:)

  5. Already follow you, duh :). You should just "mark all as read" in your google reader and start fresh- sometimes that's what we need.

  6. I get intimidated by big numbers in Google Reader, too. That's why I randomly take like 10-15 minutes multiple time a day to try and pick away at it, instead of trying to do it all at once. I especially hate it when I finish commenting on one post, and then 3 more pop up lol.

  7. I get so intimidated too! But it is exciting at the same time :)
    Costco free samples are equal to love hehe

  8. Don't worry some times my google reader intimidates me too! Have a good relaxing weekend :)
